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UFF / v0.2 / uff.sequence

uff.sequence < uff

Describes an ultrasound sequence, composed by number of transmit/receive events.


Parameter Datatype Description
sound_speed single or double Escalar with the reference sound speed [m/s].
start_time string Time stamp for the beginning of the acquisition, ISO 8601:2005 section 4.3.2 basic format with local time without difference to UTC.
country_code string ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code for the country where the scan was conducted. Mandatory for in-vivo scans.
waves list of uff.wave_geometry List of the unique waves (or beams) used in the sequence.
event_list list of uff.event List of the unique transmit/receive events used in the sequence.
sequence_order list of uff.sequence_item Reference to the unique ultrasound events in the sequence and corresponding time_offset respect to the acquisition start.


@alfonsomolares: should the sound_speed go in the wave_geometry class? This way we can calculate the transmit delays inside the wave_geometry object, without having to navigate up to the upper objects. On the other hand this is indeed redundant: most waves will have the same sound_speed, or...?

@pfsantos: "events" cannot be used as a property name. I've changed it to "event_list" for now

