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uocte / Topcon File Format

Because no specification of this file format was available for the development of uocte, the file format was reverse engineered for interoperability. The information on this page therefore is incomplete and may be incorrect. It only serves to document which parts of the data are interpreted by uocte and which assumptions it makes concerning interpretation.

High-Level Structure

Topcon is one binary, little endian file that contains both measured data and metadata. Its extension is fda and its high-level structure is a header followed by named chunks:

u8[4]           "FOCT"
u8[3]           "FDA" or "FAA", denoting "macula" or "external" fixation
u32             "0x2", may be version information
u32             "0x3e8", may be version information
while true
  u8            chunk_name_size
  if chunk_name_size == 0
    u8[chunk_name_size]   chunk_name
    u32                   chunk_size
    u8[chunk_size]        chunk_data

The chunk names start with @. They also seem to occur always in the same order, although some chunks are optional. The following list of chunks is sorted by the typical order in which they occur within the file. Strings, including chunk names, are not zero-terminated and ISO8859-1 coded. All images' origins are at the lower left.

u32             "0x2"
u32             "0x3e8"
u8[32]          ""
u8[16]          model name
u8[16]          serial number
u8[32]          (zeros)
u8[16]          version
u16             build year
u16             build month
u16             build day
u16             build hour
u16             build minute
u16             build second
u8[8]           (zeros)
u8[5][16]       version numbers
u8[32]          patient id
u8[32]          patient given name
u8[32]          patient surname
u8[8]           (zeros)
u8              3 or 1, in the latter case birth date is valid
u16             birth year
u16             birth month
u16             birth day
u8[504]         mostly zeros
u16             x
u16[52]         (zeros)
u16             aquisition year
u16             aquisition month
u16             aquisition day
u16             aquisition hour
u16             aquisition minute
u16             aquisition second
u8              type
u32             ?
u32             ?
u32             width
u32             height
u32             num_slices
u32             "0xa02"
for i in 1..num_slices
  int32         size
  u8[size]      greyscale tomogram slice image, j2k coded

These are the values for type found in the wild:

  • 0 a line scan
  • 2 a rectangular volume scan
  • 3 a cylindrical volume scan
  • 7 a 7 line scan (horitontal or vertical)
  • 11 two 5 line scans put into one 10 slice volume
u16[6]          ?
f64             tomogram x dimension in mm
f64             tomogram z dimension in mm
f64             tomogram y resolution in µm
f64[2]          ?
u8[?]           ?
u32             width
u32             height
u32             bits per pixel
u32             num_slices ("0x2")
u8              "0x1"
for i in 1..num_slices
  u32           size
  u8[size]      greyscale fundus image, j2k coded

There are always two images, but these are identical. uocte uses the last image as a fundus image.

u16[2]          ?
@IMG_FUNDUS (present if @CAPTURE_INFO_02.x & 0x200 != 0)
u32             width
u32             height
u32             bits per pixel
u32             num_slices ("0x1")
u32             "0xa02"
for i in 1..num_slices
  u32           size
  u8[size]      BGR fundus image, j2c coded

Note that the blue and red channel are swapped.

@PARAM_OBS_02 (present if @CAPTURE_INFO_02.x & 0x200 != 0)
u16             "0x1"
u16[2]          2x "0xffff"
u8[12]          "D7000" (camera model "Kodak ...")
u8[24]          "JPEG Fine"
u16             "0x300"
u16             "0x1"
u16             "0x0"
u8[24]          "Color Temparature"
u16             "0x2014"
u8[12]          (zeros)
f32             ?
@IMG_MOT_COMP_03 (present if @IMG_JPEG.type == "0x2")
u8              "0x0"
u32             width
u32             height
u32             bits per pixel ("0x10")
u32             num_slices ("0x9")
u16[num_slices][height][width] raw volume image
@IMG_PROJECTION (present if @IMG_JPEG.type == "0x2")
u32             width
u32             height
u32             bits per pixel ("0x8")
u32             0x1000002
u32             size
u8[size]        greyscale maximum intensity projection of tomogram volume, j2k coded
u8              "0x0"
u32[2]          ?
u32[4]          bounding box in fundus pixels (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) or (centerx, centery, radius, 0)
u8[32]          ""
u32[4]          bounding boy in trc pixels (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) or (centerx, centery, radius, 0)
f64[4]          4x "0.5"
u8[48]          (zeros)
u16             "0x0"
u32             num_slices
u32[3]          (zeros)
u32             ?
u32             ?
u8[32]          ""
u8[20]          id
u16             type
u32             width
u32             height
u32             size
if type == "0x0"
  u16[height][width]   contour depth in tomogram volume pixels
else if type == "0x100"
  f64[height][width]   contour depth in tomogram volume pixels
u8[32]          ""

This chunk may appear multiple times with different values for id. Contour depth is measured from the top of the tomogram slice images rather than the bottom. If type is 0x0, id is typically RETINA_# or FLA_#, when it is 0x100, id is typically CORNEA_#.

f32[6]          various quality statistics
u8[20]          (zeros)
u32             size
u8[size]        raw RGB BMP-coded thumbnail image
u32[11]         (zeros)
u32             "0xffff"
u32             "0x1"
u8[128]         (zeros)
u32[4]          fundus bounding box (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
u32[4]          trc bounding box (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)

Note that unlike in @REGIST_INFO these bounding boxes are always rectangular. They do not always match the ranges given in @REGIST_INFO.

u8[128]         "3DOCT-2000.exe"
u16[4]          version ("0x8", "0x0", "0x1", "0x5616")
u8[128]         (zeros)
@RESULT_CORNEA_CURVE (present if @IMG_JPEG.type == "0x3")
u8[20]          id
u32             width
u32             height
u8[32]          ""
f64[height]     ?
f64[height][width]   contour data
@ANTERIOR_CALIB_INFO (present if fixation is external)
u8[16]          "2.1.0"
f64[84]         ?
@RESULT_CORNEA_THICKNESS (present if @IMG_JPEG.type == "0x3")
u8[32]          ""
u8[20]          id
u32             width
u32             height
f64[height][width]   contour data
u8[7]           (zeros)

Not yet found in the data is the subjects sex and the laterality.
