Lose dependancy on pytz python package

Issue #14 resolved
Dries Desmet created an issue

When e-mail messages were hard coded and not using Django's templating system, datetimes were not converted to the correct timezone, so we had to add this functionality through the pytz module. Now that the e-mail messages are stored in the database, we also make use of the Django templating engine. So pytz is redundant. Howver, at the time of this writing, the branch that fixes the "e-mail in databasse" issue #10 hasn't been merged yet.

Comments (2)

  1. Dries Desmet reporter

    Merge branch 'bulkmails' into develop

    • bulkmails: move code to profiles + start using createsend users can be unsubscribed (not in one request...) use getenv for campaignmonitor key multiple subscribers can be added post request working fixed some css resolve #8 + change settings for EASYTHUMBNAIL_DEBUG start new group view resolve #4 editable mail funcionality finished (reslove #10) fields hidden for non-superuser pytz removed resolve #14 mail context editable

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