Courses should have either 'voorjaar' or 'najaar' in the title

Issue #23 resolved
Dries Desmet created an issue

Course don't have a title, but their name is derived from the location and the agegroup. Since we now have copy functionality, we need to distinguish better and so a sting should be added to the title.

A course which has the first date in between september and december 2013 should have: 3e kleuter @ Heestert - Voorjaar 2013

This can be derived from the start date.

Comments (3)

  1. Dries Desmet reporter

    Merge commit '5a9d9de' into develop

    • commit '5a9d9de': (21 commits) resolve #23 resolve #19 test & fix #17 fix merge_usergroups if there is no false data i tried and i failed resolve #21 resolve #22 resolve #18 custom admin index template with campaignmonitor login form update gitignore resolve #20 working data migration for mailmessages before data migration is subscribed with icon execute dump_cm_subscribers when loading changelist_view working management command create subscribe & unsubscribe in model i.s.o. admin minor changes BadRequest fallback ...

    → <<cset c475ea28785c>>

  2. Dries Desmet reporter

    Merge branch 'develop'

    • develop: (54 commits) Fix data mailmessage data migration and profile migration Update README and setup Get versioning working Attempt at versioning Attempts to include correct dependancies Make sure relies on requirements file Add versioning small fixes small html error Remove versioning from node files resolve #23 resolve #19 test & fix #17 fix merge_usergroups if there is no false data i tried and i failed resolve #21 resolve #22 resolve #18 custom admin index template with campaignmonitor login form update gitignore ...

    → <<cset ba729c832f02>>

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