White Fishing Line

Issue #1 resolved
Tyler W. Davis created an issue

Despite changing LED dimness and shutter speed, there is still a problem with yellow fishing line looking white, which is not correctly subtracted using the current 3D image processing method.

Look into methods for increasing contrast, reducing intensity, etc.

Comments (3)

  1. Tyler W. Davis reporter

    Possible methods to try:

    Difference by Blurring

    ref: stackoverflow

    1. Open image
    2. Convert image to grayscale
    3. Create a duplicate layer
    4. Apply Gaussian blur using a large kernel (10x10) to the top layer
    5. Calculate the image difference between the top and bottom layer
    6. Threshold the difference image to yield a binary image
    7. Erode binary image

    K-means Clustering in L*a*b* Color Space

    ref: mathworks

    1. Convert RGB imaget to L*a*b*
    2. Apply K-means clustering on the color channels (i.e., a* and b*), assuming you have three colors in your image (i.e., black background, white foreground and yellow mesh)
    3. Remove portions of your image based on the cluster index for yellow mesh
  2. Tyler W. Davis reporter

    v0.8.0. Addresses #1 - new delta mask does a better job of removing mesh from some sequences. Addresses #2 - delta mask replaces positional mask, which performed poorly.

    → <<cset 8216a3692437>>

  3. Tyler W. Davis reporter

    The delta mask adequately removes the fishing line; however, reflections off of the flat ends of the metal discs persist. This is not likely to be solved by image masking---possibly by dust filtering (implemented) or feature detection (currently unavailable).

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