JIRA Assistant Version Reverted to Trial after purchase.

Issue #20 resolved
Former user created an issue


I recently purchased the JIRA Assistant and it worked as full version for a day, but next day I had to have a roll back performed on my machine due to an incomplete windows update and afterwards the full version was gone and I was back on trial. I'm using the same profile. I was trying to find where the payment charge and was unable to find it. So I can't be certain if this is a payment issue or due to the rollback that was performed on my machine.

Can can you please validate whether a charge was rejected on my google account or if it was accepted and the rollback is causing my issue?

Comments (10)

  1. Peter Blaisdell

    This is in relation to my account.

    I've validated a payment did come out of my account on 4/4/2018 which is odd considering I originally bought the extension on 3/28/2018. I see the original payment was for $0 on 3/28 and then I was charged for $20 on 4/4 as a subscription. I'm still showing only as trial account on my extension. When I try to upgrade to premium account using the cogwheel and click on the yearly subscription I get the following error: "In-App Payments is currently unavailable. The transaction could not be completed. Please try again later."

    I'm assuming this is because my account already has the premium but its not showing in my extension..

    Please help.

  2. Peter Blaisdell

    Hi, attempted to remove and re-add the extension still showing the same issues of only having the trial version. Followed the link you send and performed the steps in the developer tools console tab. Here is the output:

    VM127:1 {"smartSearch":true,"showRecent":true,"installed":1523372162590,"cid":"1d1326ce-9ab4-9808-52ec-957bdf132500","selected_filter":"recent"} PromiseĀ {<pending>} VM127:4 error {details: Array(1)}

  3. Andrey Vyrvich

    @BlazeDale12, can you please execute this line to see error code in-app payment api return to extension:

      order => console.log('success', JSON.stringify(order)), 
      error => console.log('error', JSON.stringify(error))

    And just to confirm - you are using the same Chrome Profile you made purchase with, right?

  4. Peter Blaisdell

    Hi Andrey, Yes, its the only chrome profile I have. Here is the output: VM51:3 error {"details":[{"kind":"chromewebstore#payment","itemId":"iccfdkmiglokncbdheedflohigmijpdj","sku":"premium_yearly","createdTime":"1522247242205","state":"ACTIVE"}]}

  5. Andrey Vyrvich

    @BlazeDale12 thanks a lot! that helped. Just pushed new version 0.3.7 to web store, should be available within an hour

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