add advanced exclusion mechanism

Issue #23 resolved
Gaëtan Lehmann created an issue

exclusion mechanism is currently too limited: * it is not possible to exclude a directory * it is not possible to exclude a single line it should be enhanced to support these two use cases

Comments (6)

  1. Gaëtan Lehmann reporter

    enhanced exclusion mechanism - see #23

    the exclusion files are now parsed as a set of regular expressions that match the log output in the standard format with the rule name. If the regular expression match, the report is excluded. For example, to exclude all the T003 report for the 'case' and 'delete' keyword, just add this line to ane exclusion file

    :\d+: T003: keyword '(case|delete)' not followed by a single space

    the empty lines are ignored in the exclusion files as well as the lines beginning with a #, so the file can be commented and formatted a bit

    → <<cset 398bc4921b2c>>

  2. Gaëtan Lehmann reporter

    still have to write some doc. old tcl exclusion files are still supported but should be deprecated

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