Google libraries are outdated

Issue #270 new
Tobias Preuss created an issue

Google libraries which are part of the Android SDK are not up-to-date. As shown in the screenshot the "Newest" version of the Android appcompat-v7 library is shown as 23.1.1. This is outdated. The latest version available is 24.1.1.


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Comments (10)

  1. Robert Reiz

    I really don't get it why the dependencies for an "open platform" are hidden and so hard to fetch. It feels like walking through a sand storm.

  2. Stefan Medack

    To update this issue and help you guys: Google created an own maven repository, where all the Android libs can be fetched from. Updating your data from this repository should fix all the bugs. You can find the repo here

    Looking forward to having the latest android library versions in VersionEye.

  3. Robert Reiz

    Hi @stefan_medack. Many thanks for the notice. But your link leads to As far as I know that's not a real Maven repository. It is a meta search engine over multiple Maven repositories. I found this Maven repository here:, which has some of the Android SDK dependencies, but not all. Do you know another Maven repository which has more Android libraries? I would love to add it to our crawling framework.

  4. Stefan Medack

    @reiz Looks like I've sent you the wrong link. The one google says to add to the repositories is this one:

  5. Robert Reiz

    @stefan_medack I just tried to crawl it with our Maven index crawler, but that failed. It seems that the google repository doesn't offer a Maven index. Downloading this file fails:

    Of course we have an crawler which can crawl the HTML representation of a Maven repository. But that doesn't work either because the Google server does not expose the HTML representation.

    It seems that the biggest crawling company of the world doesn't like to be crawled. I will do some further research, but I'm thankful for help if anybody has an idea how to fetch the index of that repo.

  6. Robert Reiz

    @stefan_medack I did some research and found this article: They say that the google Maven repository can NOT be browsed. You can only guess which versions are available there.

    Hey, now we have a Maven repository for Android, but you can not browse it. So it's kind of open source, but not really. I'm so sick of this JVM Enterprise bullshit legal tings. It's so annoying!

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