Please clarify what's going on with Syntastic?

Issue #33 resolved
Mikkel Høgh created an issue

So why the fork? And will it receive updates in the future?

Comments (4)

  1. marco-oweber

    VAM tells you to RTFM (See SetupVAM function): line 39ff

    I want a syntax checker to *only* check syntax, not to run interpreters. I also love the most simple code which gets a job done.

    active development?

    syntastic2 works for my cases - so there was no need to put more effort into it.

    syntastic2 only ues quickfix whereas Syntastic also sets signs etc. (There are additional plugins which can add markers based on quickfix list - I personally never use them.)

    Additional questions? continue asking.

  2. Mikkel Høgh reporter

    Well, I think you should consider doing something about the naming. It's kinda easy to confuse Syntastic2 with Syntastic 2.3.0.

    You might also want to add a README-file to your syntastic repo, perhaps just with a link to the vim doc you linked above :)

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