complicated names

Issue #61 open
marco-oweber created an issue

I got by mail a request to change the following names:

  • rename 'Supertab%1643' as 'Supertab'
  • rename 'mediawiki%3970' as 'mediawiki'
  • rename all 'vim-textobj-' as 'textobj-' for consistency (most of them don't have the 'vim-' prefix)
  • replace all underscores with dashes (e.g. 'Indent_Guides' becomes 'Indent-Guides')

About Supertab I'd like to discuss it first. We would need smarter "corrections" for users. VAM is biased (trying to be useful rather than fair in some cases) Still such changes also break user setups. Breaking configurations are not useful to users.

Comments (6)

  1. marco-oweber reporter

    Supertab is great. Which comment to add for mediawiki why do you prefer that version?.

    About underscore replacement: ctrl-n completion in Vim does not complete -. There are arguments for both ways - so I'd like to keep as is (not breaking stuff)

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    For mediawiki, I simply compared the same (huge) Wikipedia page on 2 vim instances, one with each plugin. Script 3970 handles templates better (despite what the other one claims).

    BTW, here is another renaming candidate: Mark%1238 is deprecated in favor of Mark%2666, which should thus be named simply 'Mark'.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    BTW, in the commit above you wrote:

    " Renaming "vim-textobj-*" to "textobj-*" or such is not feasable,                   
    " because its a property that you can pick and "google" for a key.
    " People can tell me that they think differently about this to make me change     
    " my mind

    Two remarks about that: * Google doesn't care (search 'textobj-between', and you will get 'vim-textobj-between' as second result) * At the moment, plugin names are not consistent in VAM-kr: there is 'textobj-between', 'textobj-comment', 'textobj-indblock', 'textobj-indent', etc., but there is also 'vim-textobj-space', 'vim-textobj-underscore', 'vim-textobj-url'. All of these plugins are called vim-textobj-XXX on github. So why this discrepancy? There should be a "vim-" prefix for all of them, or for none of them. The current situation is quite strange.

  4. ZyX_I

    Most plugin names are taken from titles.

    30.06.13, 21:37, "Olivier Teulière"":

    BTW, in the commit above you wrote:" Renaming "vim-textobj-" to "textobj-" or such is not feasable, " because its a property that you can pick and "google" for a key." People can tell me that they think differently about this to make me change " my mind
    Two remarks about that:Google doesn't care (search 'textobj-between', and you will get 'vim-textobj-between' as second result)At the moments the plugin names are not consistent in VAM-kr: there is 'textobj-between', 'textobj-comment', 'textobj-indblock', 'textobj-indent', etc., but there is also 'vim-textobj-space', 'vim-textobj-underscore', 'vim-textobj-url'. All of these plugins are called vim-textobj-XXX on github. So why this discrepancy? There should be a "vim-" prefix for all of them, or for none of them. The current situation is quite strange. — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

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