doesn't have a seperate repo

Issue #74 resolved
lilydjwg created an issue

Currently ihe URL for points to the whole repo of my Python scripts, but only one file in it is needed. You can use the raw link to that file:

Comments (4)

  1. marco-oweber

    There are two views on it: - disk is cheap, allow :UpdateAddons to work proberrly - disk/internet connection is not cheap, thus spend a lot of "human time" to optimize it to use one file only.

    Currently VAM has two implementations: 1) check out from Updates happen if the version changes. 2) scm versions. git pull or the like is run.

    There are two ways "to fix" your case: Either move your one file into a separate git repository (Then :UpdateAddons will do what it should), or teach VAM to checkout from files and read github HEAD references to understand when to update. Checking out your repository (shallow) takes not that much time. Find at least 5 users who care a lot about it to make me implement such extension - or provide patches yourself. If you need help let me know. Closing this for now because I don't consider this issue very important compared to the issues Vim has itself (being written in C, python / ruby not interrutable by ctrl-c, viml being outdated, ...)

  2. lilydjwg reporter

    OK. I just think it may be confusing for users to get the whole repo while they only need one file.

  3. ZyX_I

    Though VAM can use raw URLs it will redownload them each time update is requested. Thus once using git repository with some stuff besides requested seems to be harmless (i.e. there are no files automatically loaded by vim which is not the case two lines below) I prefer to use git URLs.

    These considerations were not yet coded into, so having pointers to dotvim repository in scm_generated like it was seen in #73 is possible.

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