Online list of known plugins is empty

Issue #89 invalid
David Barnett created an issue

The list of known plugins at seems to be blank, starting around the time the project was moved from Seems like the updater job might be broken (or just not set up for the new repo yet?).

Comments (5)

  1. ZyX_I

    This issue belongs to VAM because downloader is located there.

    There are interesting lines in downloader:

      git clone --depth 1 git:// .vim/vim-addons/vim-addon-manager
      ( cd  vim-addon-manager; git chekout HEAD~20; )

    . This means that downloader uses whichever commit was the 20’th generation ancestor of the current vim-addon-manager commit. Of course this does not work: this ancestor is still using vim-addon-manager-known-repositories without rebranding. This line was added in the commit with pretty verbose and all-explaining message “update downloader” pushed by @MarcWeber.

  2. marco-oweber

    Will not happen again - after fixing it I had a typo (causing the page to still be blank) - and now I have a title check running .Thanks for telling me. If it happens again ping me periodically till its fixed.

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