Describe the db/ format

Issue #98 duplicate
Tim Lebedkov created an issue

please provide a formal description of the repository as seen here:

Comments (10)

  1. glts

    The initial comment in the script python/ lists the files and their purpose. I think the documentation is ok, but it's a little hard to find. Maybe we can improve this.

  2. marco-oweber

    In my private mail reply I told that we're waiting to see what neovim turns into. Additionally we use the following sources: a) b) install instructions from a to find github repositiories (and the like) c) manually contributed ones d) dr chip.

    vim-pi wants to be one source of plugins (in the future) - thus we had in mind deriving debian/gentoo/ubuntu/nixos/npackd package descriptions from this database. Now reading your text I feel we should discuss in which way syncing should be done. from vim-pi to npackd or the other way round (which is what I think you suggest?)

  3. Tim Lebedkov reporter

    No, I do not suggest to synchronize from the Npackd database to this one. I just feel that it is necessary to have a well-defined format for such a database of packages (I call it repository). This way it would be possible to have multiple repositories hosted by different parties.

  4. Tim Lebedkov reporter

    you're right. #80 is very similar to this one. I'll post my comments there. I would even suggest to merge this issue with #80.

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