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Building UnderBudget From Source

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Whether you're interested in developing the UnderBudget source or you just want to build and install UnderBudget, this guide is for you!

If you run into any problems, try asking for help on the mailing list (maybe someone has had a similar issue). If there is a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed (e.g., compilation failure on XYZ platform), please submit an issue report

First Things First

Obviously you'll need a copy of the source. You can clone the git repository, or download a copy of the latest source (master branch is the stable, released versions, while develop is the unstable, development branch).

You will need to have the following installed in order to build UnderBudget:


For one-time builds, the build can take place within the untarred source folder.

$ cd /path/to/underbudget
$ cmake .
$ make
$ make install

For development purposes, it is recommended to follow the CMake convention of out-of-source building.

$ cd /path/to/underbudget
$ mkdir ../underbudget_build
$ cd ../underbudget_build
$ cmake ../underbudget
$ make
$ make install

To indicate where UnderBudget will be installed, use the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path option when running cmake (before running make install). For example,

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp ../underbudget
$ make install
$ ls /tmp/bin
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/underbudget ../underbudget
$ make install
$ ls /opt/underbudget/bin


First, make sure the following are installed:

In a terminal window:

For one-time builds, the build can take place within the untarred source folder.

$ cd /path/to/underbudget
$ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt/install/lib/cmake .
$ make
$ make install

For development purposes, it is recommended to follow the CMake convention of out-of-source building.

$ cd /path/to/underbudget
$ mkdir ../underbudget_build
$ cd ../underbudget_build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt/install/lib/cmake ../underbudget
$ make
$ make install

Windows (7, MinGW)

First, make sure the following are installed:

In a command prompt:

> cd C:\path\to\qt\install\bin
> qtenv2.bat
> set PATH=C:\path\to\cmake\install\bin;%PATH%
> cd C:\path\to\underbudget
> mkdir ..\build
> cd ..\build
> cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DUSE_GIT_VERSION=false ..\underbudget
> mingw32-make
> bin\underbudget.exe

If git is installed and the git command line utility can be used in a command prompt, the -DUSE_GIT_VERSION=false option can be omitted so the application version will be determined from the git tags.

Need to include directions for creating an installation package.

Does this work for Vista?

Windows (XP, Vista, 7)

Anyone built Underbudget for Windows? Share the knowledge!
