Some videos aren't playing

Issue #12 resolved
Dont use my name pleanse created an issue

Some videos does fail to play on first time at add-on, one sample:

+GloboSat | Arquitetura Verde | Sustentabilidade no Parque

The xbmc.log refering this video is here:

Sometimes it changes the video time to an higher time, for instance:

from 24:35 minutes to 990:93 minutes

Sometimes it just not play and give no message or change the video time.

Now, if I play other video and try again the same video above it works. the xbmc.log is here:

I'm trying to figure out why this is happening, but until now I can't find an answer. I will keep trying ... If you need more info please let me know.

Comments (8)

  1. Fabiano Ruggero

    I confirm that this also happens with me.

    I also could not identify why it happens.

    Most of the time for me video just jumps for the second video of the list, for instance, the second block of "Fantastico", instead of the first one.

    Furthermore the Add.on Globo.TV does not have this problem (I have both installed, I usually use Globo.TV for SD resolution and for HD resolution).

    It seems that Globo.TV is more stable than add-on.

  2. Edson Raposo

    Team, the add-on seems to be nice but I'm not able to use. I try to use in the configuration the same ID/Password I use to access Globosatplay webpage or mobile application and doesn't work, says require authorization, but my ID works in the Globosatplay and mobile. What is the ID this add-on use to connect ? Thank you for any tip and congratulation for the team that has developed it.

  3. Vitor Hirota repo owner

    Edson, Globosatplay authentication is dependable on the cable company and plan you are subscribed to. As of now, GVT and NET and the only ones supported. Are these the ones you've got?

  4. Vitor Hirota repo owner

    Fixed #12, some videos aren't playing. the hash algoritm sometimes insert / or + char into the hash string, this was causing the error.

    → <<cset d37451350e6f>>

    Just to add a note on what a great catch from @rosaldanha, in realizing base64's slash and plus characters were the culprit! Nice one, man!

    Instead of a loop to get a hash without those, I've added a translation (/ -> _, + -> -), as globo's script does. Changes in 06d5949, rolled out as v0.1.2.1 in 95fb1a8.

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