[globo.com] Version 0.1.5 - Script not working

Issue #25 resolved
Fabiano Ruggero created an issue

I don't know what happened but I now can only get "Falha no Script: Globo.com" no matter what. I've even tried to remove the script, install it again but no joy.

Even the new "clear data" now returns "Falha no Script: Globo.com".

Comments (8)

  1. Fabiano Ruggero reporter

    I was able to reproduce the problem.

    I first restored from a backup. The script was working fine.

    I then went to configuration as I was wanting to change the resolution to 360p. The option to change video quality had disappeared!

    So I pressed "clear data". From then on I could only get Script Failure no matter what.

  2. Daniel Silva

    I'm working around the issue by skipping Globosat Play listings (I only subscribe to globo.tv) like this in globo.py:

    def _build_index(self):
        # get gplay channels
        provider = self.plugin.get_setting('play_provider').lower().replace(' ', '_')
        credentials = self.authenticate(provider)
        channels, live = (scraper.get_gplay_channels() if credentials else ({}, {}))
        # add globo
  3. Dont use my name pleanse

    Daniel, I found a better work around :D Change the following line into the file scraper.py, from:

      'plot': ', '.join(reversed(json['programacao'].values())),
     Now I got almost everthing working, except globonews live.
     [ ]s...
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