Repeating pattern in noise

Issue #49 resolved
Robert Thompson created an issue

Hi David,

The random noise you apply to the shader creates a repeating pattern on the landscape (as in the picture attached). It may not be noticeable when generating landscapes but I figured i'd mention it anyways.

Looks like this change may be the source.:


Comments (4)

  1. David Williams

    Actually I think this repeating pattern did exist before, but it has become much more visible with the change you mention. But the change was necessary in order to make the noise properly stick to the surface when the volume is being transformed.

    I think the real problem is that my random number generation for the noise is not very good (a surprisingly tricky problem on the GPU), and actually has some built in repetition to fight precision problems. But I think I can do better :-) I'll try to take another crack at it.

  2. David Williams

    Ok, I think it should work significantly better now and will only repeat every few hundred voxels (which shouldn't be noticeable). Thanks for encouraging me to fix this properly :-)

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