Problem downloading .unitypackage files

Issue #50 wontfix
David Williams created an issue

It seems that internally a .unitypackage is just a .zip stream (or some other common archive format). Several web browsers try to expand this automatically, which results in a bunch of meaninglessly named folders instead of a .unitypackage file.

We get around this by putting the .unitypackage inside a real ZIP and letting users extract it manually. Unfortunately it seems that at least the 'Archive Utility' on OS X will spot this and automatically unpack the .unitypackage when you try to extract the zip. Using another app such as 'Unarchiver' is a temporary solution to this, but really we need a better solution.

Comments (1)

  1. David Williams reporter

    I don't think there's anything we can do about this - probably we just continue providing both .unitypackage files and zip files.

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