Root GameObject offset by .5 of a voxel

Issue #52 open
Robert Thompson created an issue

Hi David,

Not a big one but i've noticed in the cubicvolume (and perhaps the normal one) that the root GameObject is anchoring in the center of voxel 0,0,0 instead of in the absolute corner of the volume.

Not a big deal, it might confuse some when they are trying to align to the unity grid though. Perhaps aligning the root gameobject to 0-(scale/2) for x,y,z?


Comments (4)

  1. David Williams

    I can see your point but overall I'm not convinced enough to change it. Even if the initial offset is set to (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) it still moves away from the Unity origin if the user then applies a manual scaling. I could also argue that the current system is correct in that it makes sense to draw a box at a given integer position rather than filling the space between two positions.

    So I'll leave it as it is for now as users can adjust it manually if they want. Thanks for the feedback though!

  2. Robert Thompson reporter

    Hi David,

    It was probably my bad on the description. I meant the Gismo with the arrows. it's in the center of voxel 0,0,0. Since it represents the whole volume and not just voxel 0,0,0 it doesn't seem to make sense to be there. I find it difficult to place the volume in relation to that gizmo due to it being in the center of a voxel.

    As for the scale issue, that's why i was suggesting realigning it via 0-(scale/2).

    Not a big enough issue to really worry about though; if you wish to keep this one as a wontfix, that's all good.


  3. David Williams
    • changed status to open

    Ah, I understand! It is indeed a bit strange, and it probably would look better to use the half-voxel offset. We should also consider that a volume doesn't have to start at zero (just use the lower corner for the gizmo).

    I'll reopen the issue and come back to it after the initial release.

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