Allow getting/setting of an array of voxels at a time.

Issue #53 resolved
David Williams created an issue

I think it would be nice if Cubiquity let you get/set part of the volume data by using an array. At the moment you can only access the volume data through GetVoxel() and SetVoxel() which each work on a single voxel at a time, and each call to these has to go through the P/Invoke layer and has some extra overhead. It might be mice to have version where you can pass an array of voxels to Cubiquity along with a Region identifying where they should go, and Cubiquity would do the copying for you in C++. This should be faster.

Comments (3)

  1. David Williams reporter

    Also, what if some of the voxels in the array should keep their current value? For example if we wished to use this functionality to cut a hole in the world with a single call. Should some kind of mask be provided? Of should the user be required to get the whole corresponding region first, make the changes, and then write it back?

  2. David Williams reporter

    Or maybe it should be possible to specify a list of voxel positions and voxel values, and voxels not in the list are not affected?

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