Terrain Volume Database (.vdb) does not get checked-out

Issue #74 resolved
Felix Kollmann created an issue

When editing a terrain the .vdb files does not get checked out and all changes will be lost!

The terrain 'editor' should checkout the file automatically, or disable editting if the volume data the .vdb-file is read-only.


Regards, Felix

Comments (1)

  1. David Williams

    I've made a couple of changes here. Previously, if a VolumeData asset was set to open the .vdb in read-write mode but the .vdb itself was read-only on the file system, then Cubiquity would fall back to opening it in read-only mode. This was potentially confusing, so now the file will fail to open if you request read-write but only read-only is available. This change is inside the CubiquityC.dll which has only been rebuilt for Windows so far - other platforms will see this change in due time.

    Additionally, the volume inspectors now check the permissions of the VolumeData, and display an error message next to the editing controls if the VolumeData is read-only. In the future I might actually disable the controls, but I expect some refactoring will happen in the future so I'll leave that for now.

    I haven't done anything with the Unity version control stuff, as I don't have the ability to test it and would like to keep everything working nicely on Unity free.

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