Wrong characters show up in Swedish translation.

Issue #118 resolved
Henrik Danielsson created an issue

Something's up with the character encoding, the translation should read "från" or "FRÅN" if capitalized, but instead of the Swedish "å / Å" I get a Norwegian/Danish "æ / Æ". I'm not sure it's actually trying to display Æ, but just falls back to it because the font is missing Å or the encoding info missing.

I'm on Arch Linux with LANG set to "sv_SE.UTF-8", which the game correctly detects. Maybe the translation file got saved with a different encoding or the translation system can't handle it yet? (UTF-8 or sv-latin1 should do fine.)

ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1029:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm.c:2266:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2266:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2266:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1029:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
SoundStorm: PortAudio V19-devel (built Dec 11 2014 22:02:49) build 1899
  0 HDA ATI SB: ALC892 Digital (hw:0,1) Ch 2in 2out 44100Hz [fd]
  1 HDA ATI SB: ALC892 Alt Analog (hw:0,2) Ch 2in 0out 44100Hz [in only]
  2 HDA NVidia: HDMI 0 (hw:1,3) Ch 0in 8out 44100Hz [out only]
  3 HDA NVidia: HDMI 0 (hw:1,7) Ch 0in 8out 44100Hz [out only]
  4 HDA NVidia: HDMI 0 (hw:1,8) Ch 0in 8out 44100Hz [out only]
  5 HDA NVidia: HDMI 0 (hw:1,9) Ch 0in 8out 44100Hz [out only]
  6 USB PnP Sound Device: Audio (hw:2,0) Ch 1in 0out 44100Hz [in only]
  7 iec958 Ch 0in 2out 44100Hz [out only]
  8 spdif Ch 2in 2out 44100Hz [fd]
  9 pulse Ch 32in 32out 44100Hz [fd]
 *10 default Ch 32in 32out 44100Hz [sysdef in] [sysdef out] [apidef in] [apidef out] [fd]
SoundStorm: Requesting realtime scheduling from ALSA on card -1
SoundStorm: Initialised.
LanguageStorm: Language sv_SE not available, falling back to sv
LanguageStorm: Default language is Swedish (sv).
ParticleSystem: Heap usage:          42MB
ParticleSystem: System memory usage: 55MB (11GB avail. of 15GB total)
sphereFACE version Beta 6.2.5754.31869 master:02c5d4f Release for 64bit Linux
Compiled Dec 18 2015 03:48:04 with GCC 5.2.1 20151028 and Boost 1_60
MemoryStorm: Stack available 8MB
MemoryStorm: Physical usage 56MB, 11GB available of 15GB
MemoryStorm: Virtual usage 466MB, 11GB available of 15GB
New FOV ratio: 5.67128
Saving settings to sphereFACE.cfg
Settings saved successfully.
SoundStorm: Starting streamer thread...
Initialising graphics...
Oculus: Initialising Oculus Rift...
Oculus: Device not found
Oculus: Sensor not found
Monitors: 1
Monitor 0 (primary)
  Name: DVI-I-3
  Physical size: 376 301
  Position: 0 0
  Mode: 1280 1024 60
GL_VERSION:                  4.5.0 NVIDIA 358.16
GL_VENDOR:                   NVIDIA Corporation
GL_RENDERER:                 GeForce GTX 470/PCIe/SSE2
GL version major 4 minor 5 revision 0 API 196609 profile  204802
GL antialiasing mode: 8 buffers: 1, samples: 8
GL depth buffer: 24 bits
Graphics initialised.
New window size [1280,1024] aspect ratio 1.25
InputStorm: Key bindings:             523KB
InputStorm: Mouse button bindings:    8KB
InputStorm: Joystick axis bindings:   9KB
InputStorm: Joystick button bindings: 60KB
InputStorm: Initialised in 561us.
DEBUG: No joysticks connected, not binding joystick controls.
InputStorm: Saved bindings to slot 0 in 462us.
InputStorm: Saved bindings to slot 1 in 543us.
InputStorm: Loaded bindings from slot 0 in 168us.
InputStorm: Saved bindings to slot 2 in 603us.
InputStorm: Loaded bindings from slot 0 in 169us.
InputStorm: Saved bindings to slot 3 in 569us.
InputStorm: Loaded bindings from slot 0 in 164us.
InputStorm: Saved bindings to slot 4 in 569us.
Controls bound in 4.07856ms.
Initialisation complete.

Comments (6)

  1. Riot

    Wow nice. Problem is probably that the font doesn't actually contain the character and there is no reasonable fallback set. In this sort of case would it be acceptable to substitute a for å or would that confuse players?

  2. Henrik Danielsson reporter

    It would work as a temporary solution. Removing umlauts etc can drastically change the meaning of words, or make them gibberish, though.

  3. Riot

    This is now resolved correctly by including missing glyphs in the fonts themselves. Some glyphs may have been missed - if so, please reopen issue #54 and add those to the list.

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