Segfault when entering a sphere

Issue #279 resolved
Norgg created an issue

This was in the first run of sphereFACE version RC 13.10.14237.78524 master:060a264b Release for 64bit Linux, crashed while entering the second sphere from the tunnel. On resuming from the save file it didn't crash, save attached anyway.

Sphere Irkalla difficulty 0.142857 completed
DEBUG: Got 15 points, score now: 68
Music: Last track HODSON - Negative Connotations (0x5241cb0: 4, 5) on deck 0
Music: Crossfading to Jeremy Dumouchel & Dorian SRed - Diffraction (0x5241f20: 18, 19) on deck 1
Portal: player ship moved from sphere Irkalla to Folkvangr
Saving game to
DEBUG: Saving: Number of spheres: 51
DEBUG: Saving: Number of tunnels: 98
DEBUG: Saving: Number of weapons: 99
DEBUG: Saving: Number of armours to link: 78
DEBUG: Saving: Number of ship bases to link: 158
DEBUG: Saving: Number of sawblades to link: 7
DEBUG: Saving: Number of player ships to link: 1
DEBUG: Saving: Number of weapon pickups to link: 49
DEBUG: Saving: Number of bullets to link: 5
Game saved successfully.
Saving settings to sphereFACE.cfg
Settings saved successfully.
Entered sphere Folkvangr difficulty 0.285714
Segmentation fault

Comments (8)

  1. Norgg reporter

    Also happens on entering the third sphere after loading a game entering the second sphere and clearing that.

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