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In order to automatically enable security for issues created, this add-on will be of great help. This add-on Includes a post function which can automatically pick up a security level based on a regular expression. The regular expression itself can take various placeholders which are explained below:

  • (GROUPNAME) - The first matching security level which matches the first matching group of the reporter will be used for set the security level.
  • (ROLENAME) - The first matching security level that matches the Roles that the reporter belongs to will be set for the security level.


  • Reporter belongs to Groups - GroupOne, GroupTwo, GroupThree. Available Security Levels are SecGroupTwoLevel, AnotherSecLevel. In this case, the following regular expression will cause the SecGroupTwoLevel to be automatically set during creation - .*?(GROUPNAME).*?
  • Reporter belongs to Roles - Administrators, Developers. Available Security Levels are SecAdministratorsLevel, AnotherSecLevel. In this case, the following regular expression will cause the SecAdministratorsLevel to be automatically set during creation - .*?(ROLENAME).*?
