Reply link appears twice or thrice in some cases

Issue #48 resolved
BarthélémyH created an issue

version : 1.27.1
JIRA version : 8.0.2

How to reproduce :

  1. Create a comment
  2. Click Reply
  3. Add a comment/reply
  4. Click reply of the second comment
  5. Add a comment/reply
  6. Here you should see the link “Reply” twice below the third comment.

Note that one of the two links creates a comment box that is disfunctional (clicking “add” does not work).

Comments (1)

  1. Renjith Pillai repo owner

    fix duplicate "reply" link

    1) onTabReady() will fire anyways during initialization

    2) The existence of another link is only checked before calling the REST endpoint. If two queries run at the same time there will be duplicate links. It may be better to use a lock or another synchronization mechanism instead of just throwing away one of the results.

    Fixes #48

    → <<cset f07fea39f01a>>

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