
Clone wiki

Shovel-Web-Client / Changelog

Shovel Web Client Changelog



  • NEW: Admin website to more easily monitor app usage and add approved users
  • MISC: Major code restructuring and move of functionality to the backend
  • FIXED: Songs should now only play one time ever
  • IMPROVED: Song selection algorithm
  • REMOVED: Volume control (causing too many issues)



  • NEW: Volume control
  • NEW: UserVoice feedback widget (top-right of the screen)
  • NEW: The version number on the site now links to the wiki article with the entire changelog
  • CHANGE: Misc. page layout changes
  • FIXED: Mixes being played in the radio
  • FIXED: Scenario when a rated account has no favorites now accounted for
  • FIXED: Long loading time after logging in
  • FIXED: Skip to next song after the current song has finished playing

Known Issues

  • In order to make sure the volume works the player starts by instantly playing, pausing, and then playing again
  • Radio plays songs that have already been played by the user



  • NEW: Login through Soundcloud
  • NEW: Radio player featuring next, like, dislike, and favorite controls
  • NEW: Song selection based on account ratings
  • NEW: Approved user authentication to ensure small user testing
  • NEW: Basic page and event tracking using Google Analytics
  • NEW: Basic error logging using Trackjs

Known Issues

  • Radio plays songs that have already been played by the user
  • Mixes are played by the radio
  • Long loading time after login action
