Clone wikicomicami / Setup default icons
In the Comicami archive, inside the folder "Icons" there are the default icons for .cbr and .cbz files. To make all your comics have these icons and start Comicami on double click you have to set them at the "DefIcons" prefs. Follow the following steps to set them up.
- Copy the def_cbz and def_cbr icon file at envarc:sys/
Open the Sys:Prefs/DefIcons
Scroll the left list down to the category "archive".
- Select it and click "Add"
- In the new item replace the Name with cbz and hit Enter
- At the right list click the select box "Add ..." and choose "Pattern". In the "Pattern" text field write "#?.cbz" and hit enter
- Repeat the last four steps for cbr
- Click on "Save" button and you are ready. A soft reboot might be necessary for these to become active.