Ability to Select Multiple Breeds in Flock

Issue #62 resolved
Rachel created an issue

Sometimes I hatched mixed breed chicks. I was thinking it would be helpful to be able to add multiple breeds to a specific flock member as necessary? For now I am doing a work around where I created a breed as needed.

Thank you so much!

Comments (7)

  1. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    That's an interesting idea. Seems like it could get into a bit of hyphenated last name problems, though, couldn't it? So, say hen A is an Australorpe - Americauna mix. If she and a Rhode Island Red rooster produce offspring, would they then be Australorpe - Americauna - Rhode Island Red?

    We personally don't do any breeding as of yet, so I'm still learning about the record keeping aspect of it

  2. Rachel reporter

    Yeah. Personally, I think I would like to know that, but maybe that's just me? I'm still not positive I am using the app correctly 100% yet, but I am loving it so far for the flock feature alone! I just hatched a bunch of different breeds out and it's helping me keep track of who is who by photos and by info on where I purchased the checks or eggs and when they hatched, etc.

  3. Weston Bustraan repo owner

    Your comments made me realize that I'm missing a vital piece of information on the family tree diagrams: the breed.

    I think the ideal way to solve this would be to add that and then see if there is a way to specify at least the breed of the chick's parents, when the actual parents are not available in the flock database. If the parent records do exist, you can link them together and get a family tree.

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