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Domain Cage / Domain Cage Screenshots

Some sites may look good just after installation of Domain Cage despite the fact that many resources from external domains are blocked. Below you may notice Domain Cage icons showing inside the web page - they replace blocked iframes. Hover your mouse on such an icon to see tooltip with the external URL. The icon is a link to the blocked page which will be opened (if clicked) in a new window (tab).


Some other sites may look terrible just after installation, because their content and important settings are scattered across numerous external sites. Whether it is bad or good design, this is out of consideration here, but you can handle this by setting up white lists. Below you may see an example of specifying a top-level domain with preceding dot to whitelist it with all its subdomains.


After this most of sites will look much more better - very close to their normal view. Yet you may see that there are numerous blocked requests which are nothing but ads and stats helpers. Leave them blocked and improve your Internet surfing experience.


When Domain Cage blocks an image, you'll see Domain Cage image stub on its place. In some crooked cases the stub may occupy a considerable space. There is an issue for this, but unfortunately it has no unambiguous technical solution so far. But you can still arrange white lists appropriately.


Normally you should see the stub in proper dimensions for every blocked image.


Don't forget that in addition to white lists there is a black list, which you can populate via context menu.


Finally this is just an example of how much trash can be bound to an ordinary web page.

