
websitelink2023 Triendl Reina graduates from Keio University

Created by Rizal Azah

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+On September 16, talento Triendl Reina updated her blog and announced that she has graduated from Keio University.
+In a blog entry titled "Graduation," Triendl wrote, "Today, I attended Keio University's graduation! I am happy to announce that I was able to graduate!" She also uploaded a photo of herself shaking hands with Murai Jun, dean of the Department of Environmental Information. Triennial continued, "I am very grateful for my teachers, friends, family, and office for their support in order for me to manage both work and school." 
+Fans congratulated Triendl with comments such as, "Keio?! That's amazing!" and "Congratulations! I really respect you." 
+After graduating from International Christian University High School, Triendl entered Keio University. She had taken some time off from school due to her work. 

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