
Clone wiki

ATLAS-Pipeline / Common parameters

-h open help page

-d perform a dry-run of the pipeline

-f specify your config-file (required)
copy the example config-file to a desired location and change the parameters within
attention!: do not alter the example.config.yaml file! in case of an update of the pipeline, it will be overwritten!

-c run on a slurm cluster cluster file can be provided. Default: assumes a cluster.json in your working directory

-p make a plot of the DAG structure

-j specify how many jobs should be submitted in parallel (only on cluster). Default: 50

\\ citations for used scripts and programms in this pipeline: \\ \\ \\ \\ This script is available free of use at \\ \\ \\ \\ for questions correspond to \\ \\ To pull the newest version, run \\ \\ git clone \\ \\ \\ \\ within the script, the following programs, in addition \\ \\ to the programs listed in environment_recent.yaml were used: \\ \\ GATK: \\ \\ \\ \\ Snakemake: \\ \\ \\ \\ No guarantee for the content and results of this script to be bug-free. \\
