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levolution / Compilation and installation

Compilation and installation

"levolution" is only distributed as source code, but it will be easy for you to compile and run the program on all Unix systems and with not that much additional work also on Windows. Here we will show you how.

Step 1: Obtaining the source code

"levolution" is hosted on bitbucket and can be cloned with the command:

git clone --depth 1

If you already have cloned the repo but would like to update to a newer version, simply use

git pull

Alternative, the source can also be downloaded as a zipped folder. This folder contains the latest C++ source code of levolution as well as the sub folder "examples" containing some example files. (See [downloads page]( for more options).

Step 2: Compiling the code

After unzipping or cloning, the code must be compiled to obtain an executable. It is recommended to use cmake and the GNU C++ compiler GCC, which is part of the GCC package and is pre-installed on any Linux system. On a Mac, g++ can be installed as part of the developer tools. On windows, it is advised to use the g++ compiler that ships with the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Note that levolution requires GCC 8.1 or higher.

To compile levolution, simply type the following command in the base folder:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

That's it! The binary levolution is now found in the build folder and ready to use.

Step 3: Launching levolution

To launch levolution from within the build folder, type:


If you want to call levolution from a different folder, you must specify the absolute path to it. It can thus be convenient to copy the executable somewhere else or to add the source folder to your $PATH variable (search on Google for more advice).
