MongoDB versions above v3.6 with Mongoose 4.6.8 fail to retrieve list of courses

Issue #11 open
Sriram Sami created an issue


  • MongoDB v4.0
  • Mongoose v4.6.8 (package.json specified)

on my development laptop, new courses do not show up on the instructor control panel.

Console errors:

   GET /modules/users/client/instructor/views/instructor/control-panel-overview.client.view.html 200 3.589 ms - -
    GET /api/auth/get-ivle-key 200 3.754 ms - 34
    (node:28793) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 10): MongoError: The 'cursor' option is required, except for aggregate with the explain argument
    GET /api/courses/statistics 400 9.301 ms - 34

The issue is reported in the Mongoose project in


  • MongoDB version must be kept at v3.4 OR
  • Mongoose version must be upgraded to ^4.13.7

I have tested Mongoose 4.13.7 and the issue is resolved with that version. To allow possibility of MongoDB upgrades, we could upgrade to mongoose": ^4.13.7 from mongoose": "~4.6.8 in package.json.

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