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WesterosBlocks / Custom Step Sounds

The 'stepSounds' section is an array of step sound definitions, each of which is formatted as follows:


                "name" : "sound-name",
                "stepSound" : "step-sound-resource",
                "breakSound" : "break-sound-resource",
                "placeSound" : "place-sound-resource",
                "volume" : volume-level,
                "pitch" : pitch-level
Where: * 'sound-name' is a unique name for the custom sound (no two custom sounds can share a name). This name will also be used to refer to the custom sound when defining custom blocks that will use the sound. * 'step-sound-resource' is the name of the sound resource used when a player walks on a block using the custom sound. Sound resources are always found under 'assets/minecraft/sound', and their values include periods in place of directory separators and selects randomly from the files with the given name + a number + '.ogg' (e.g. 'dig.grass' will cause one of the sounds in assets/minecraft/sound/dig matching grass*.ogg to be played) - unless there are no numbered files, in which case the the name + '.ogg' will be played (if it exists) (e.g. 'assets/minecraft/sound/dig/grass.ogg'). * 'break-sound-resource' is the name of the sound resource used when a player breaks a block using the custom sound. The format is the same as 'step-sound-resource'. * 'place-sound-resource' is the name of the sound resource used when a player places a block using the custom sound. The format is the same as 'step-sound-resource'. * 'volume-level' is a decimal number indicating the relative volume of the sounds played for the custom sound. 1.0 is typical, while smaller values will result in quieter sounds, and larger values will yield louder ones. * 'pitch-level' is a decimal number indicating the relative pitch of the playback of the sounds played for the custom sound. 1.0 matches the sound resource defaults, while a lower number lowers the pitch and a bigger number raises it.
