Microsoft Money supports OFX with SGML and not XML

Issue #7 resolved
Julien Moutte created an issue

It would be nice to be able to specify the version of OFX that should be used for conversion. Supporting SGML should be very easy now that we have XML.

Comments (5)

  1. wmj repo owner

    [ofx] conversion to OFX v 1.0.3 (SGML) as an alternative to the already implemented version 2.1.1 (XML). Refs #7.

    In order to use this new output, csb2format must be invoked using the flag --format ofx1 instead of --format ofx.

    Some tests added covering XML & SGML elements generation.

    → <<cset cdcbf1baad49>>

  2. wmj repo owner

    I did some tests importing in Microsoft Money Plus, Homebank, Gnucash and KMyMoney, but I have not validated the generated files against DTD.

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