Jira doesn't come up after installation of the plugin.

Issue #9 resolved
MCoE Admin created an issue


I have installed the plugin to test out in our non-prod environment. Installation was successful, and we can generate and use the API tokens.

Our Jira instance gets restarted overnight. Since we installed this plugin, Jira was not coming up.

Our Jira version: Jira v7.13.5

It started occuring after we upgraded the Jira tokens plugin to latest version 1.1 from earlier 1.0.15. Now, even the rollback to 1.0.15 is not working. Please find the attached logs.



Comments (11)

  1. Roma Bubyakin [Wombats Corp]

    @MCoE Admin is it reproducible in Safe Mode when all plugins disabled, but “API Tokens for Jira” enabled? If Jira could start only with API Tokens plugin then it is incompatibility with some other plugin. Which is most likely.

    By now I have no reproduced the issue and have no found anything valuable in logs. Keep investigating.

    Regards, Roman

  2. Vijay Maddipoti

    Hi Roman,

    Thank you. Allow me a couple of days next week to uninstall and re-install the plugin with the latest jar being provided.

    Thank you so much for your attention to this issue.



  3. Vijay Maddipoti

    Hi Roma,

    New jar 1.1.3 that you have provided has worked, Jira was able to come up fine after a restart. I will give another day to confirm you back that it’s working as expected.

    Thank you for your patience. I appreciate your help!



  4. Vijay Maddipoti

    Hi Roma,

    Issue has been fixed with the jar. Please go ahead and close the ticket.

    thank you for your support.



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