[list_sermons] Shortcode order/orderby not working

Issue #51 resolved
Murray Wardle created an issue

When using the shortcode list_sermons the order and orderby parameters are ignored and the output is not sorted correctly.

The documentation (https://www.wpforchurch.com/knowledgebase/sermon-manager-shortcodes/) states that:

There are several different optional parameters:

■tax – options: wpfc_sermon_series (default), wpfc_preacher, wpfc_sermon_topics, wpfc_bible_book

■order – options: DESC, ASC (default)

■orderby – options: id, count, name (default), slug, term_group, none

Suggested fix:

change line 19 of /includes/shortcodes.php from:

$terms = get_terms($tax);


$terms = get_terms($tax, $atts);

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