Zooming out in TopView can crash Basemap

Issue #148 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

Basemap accepts only -360 to 720 degree E in cylindrical projection. Zooming out with the mouse can go beyond this range and trigger an Exception. The error occurs in the qt backend of matplotlib and is not trivial "catchable". It will also not likely be triggered in normal use...

Comments (2)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Check coordinate range of cylindrical map to prevent MSS crash

    Trying to plot a cylindrical map with ranges outside -360 to 720 crashes MSS. So the existing checks for bounds is enhanced to actually guarantee this. In addition, as the plotted worldmap seems defect beyond 540 degree, the range was further limited.

    Resolve issue #148

    → <<cset 80a78d3a4402>>

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