mss_settings.json cannot be loaded in mss tool at Windows 7 (64bit)

Issue #157 closed
Vladyslav Nenakhov created an issue

Dear mss developer,

my name is Vlad and i am a PhD student of Prof. Burrows (IUP-University of Bremen) and a member of organisation team of the EMeRGe campaign (take place in summer 2017 and spring 2018).

Issue: If i load a mss_setting.json file in mss on Windows 7 (64bit) from my Desktop, than no changes are applied in mss.

Details: With the help of the guide on i created a new mss_setting_Vlad.json (see attachment) with new locations. If load (from my Desktop) on Windows 7 (64bit) in mss via "File->Load Confoguration" my "mss_setting_Vlad.json" and go to "Table View", than the "Location" list is not updated according to my file. A restart of mss dont help also to solve this problem. I tried to load a "mss_setting.json" file from Andreas Hilboll and had the same problem as with my file. I know from Andreas that he made changes in his "mss_setting.json" on linux and the changes were directly updated in mss.

It would be great if someone could help me with this issue, because we (IUP) have to provide a "mss_setting.json" to our Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) in the next weeks.

Best regards Vlad

Edit: i use mss 1.3.1.

Comments (7)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    Thanks for providing this bug report. This seems like a duplicate of issue #127 that was resolved in 1.3.2. Could you please update your MSS installation to 1.3.2 and check if the issue remains?

  2. Vladyslav Nenakhov reporter

    Thanks for the very fast reply!

    a) If i try to update my mss via "conda update" from conda-forge than the version 1.3.1 is the latest version. b) If i try to install mss via "conda install mss=1.3.2" than i get the error "PackageNotFoundError": Package missing in current win-64 channels.

    Are there other sources for updating mss to 1.3.2?

  3. Vladyslav Nenakhov reporter

    Oh great! Now i could update mss to 1.3.2 and load the mss_setting.json from Andreas. Thanks a lot!

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