[feature request] better keyboard control for side/top views

Issue #167 resolved
Andreas Hilboll created an issue

It would be helpful if, while in a sideview or a topview, pressing the LEFT or RIGHT keys would automatically select the previous/next valid_time, and create the plot. Similarly, in the topview, pressing UP and DOWN could select the layer above/below and automatically plot it. This would make the user less dependent on using the mouse and should be easy to implement.

Comments (4)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    This sounds reasonable and is easy to implement. Especially using "update on changes" and prefetching this could simplify plot selection dramatically. I propose to add this to 1.4.0 In addition one could use alt-left alt-right to switch initialisation time. I do not think that the other ui elements would profit from keyboard shortcuts as much.

  2. Andreas Hilboll reporter

    We would be very happy to see this in 1.4.0.

    That being said, I unfortunately won't be able to contribute to client development due to lack of GUI experience (and time). I'd be happy to help in testing, though.

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