except SomeError: should not pass silently

Issue #241 closed
Reimar Bauer created an issue

we should add on any exception where only pass was entered a logging error message

Comments (10)

  1. Joern Ungermann

    That is true. In some cases also a pop-up window would be justified that someone really notices it. On the other hand, the replacement of wild-card Exception catchers has made the application more unstable. That should maybe be reversed (respectively, an added wildcard except should be added in many places, especially involving any user/os input) with an additional, very noticeable, popup exception handling on occurance.

  2. Reimar Bauer reporter

    a lot exceptions have been changed over 2 years. This needs a review if it can be closed

  3. Reimar Bauer reporter

    please, no new wildcard exceptions. mss is currently very stable.

    but logging is important

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