Add "clone" button to TableView

Issue #254 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

When panning a small flightlevel change, it is often desirbale to have two identical WP suceeding each other with just different levels. The insert button inserts a new WP in between two WPs, which is also convinient for moving this WP then with the mouse.

I propose to add an additional "clone" button that fully copies a WP.

Comments (6)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    When panning a small flightlevel change, it is often desirbale to have two identical WP suceeding each other with just different levels. The insert button inserts a new WP in between two WPs, which is also convinient for moving this WP then with the mouse.

    I propose to add an additional "clone" button that fully copies a WP.

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