Using non-US locale and pyqt4, moving points with mouse may not work

Issue #255 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

There is still some issue with localization support, where the value generated by moving the mouse is wrongly interpreted.

Comments (2)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Make pyqt4 behave more like pyqt5 in QVariant conversion

    pyqt5 is able to retrieve the original type from a QVariant object. In pyqt4 one has to manually retrieve it. The current implementation just converts it to a string, which is afterwards converted to a number. In case of moving a point with the mouse, the float was first converted to a QVariant and then to a double using the toString method. This conversion however delivered a US formatted number as string, which afterwards caused problems when converting it back to a float using localization.

    The current code prevents this reconversion by accessing directly the float.

    Fix issue #255

    → <<cset 922f2a70833f>>

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