Support unicode characters in WMS Plot titles

Issue #278 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

Currently, the WMS server only supports ascii titles. For complex formatting latex syntax is employed, which isn't looking nicely on QT-Widgets. One could simply use unicode characters for stuff like $^2$. A prototype implementation showed that this is easily feasible, but one important character $^-$ isn't displayed by matplotlib. This should be investigated. U+207B (8315) is not displayed.

Comments (1)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Prototype for unicode support in layer titles

    Removes the seemingly superfluous "str" calls before utf-8 conversion. Replace latex formatting codes with unicode symbols that seem to work in both front- and backend. Changed relevant layers to use unicode strings for saif strings.

    Fix issue #278

    → <<cset 795de846bf90>>

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