Performance calculation flawed in case of long leg between penultimate and ultimate point with FL 0

Issue #280 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

In case of the last WP having FL 0 and the penultimate point being a long way before that, MSS assumes a quick descent and a long level leg on FL0. I believe this typically to be sensible, but not in this case.

The obvious solution were to add another WP shortly before the final WP at higher FL. But his requires some insight by the user who might be surprised by the performance calculation.

Another option might be to change the default behaviour for descent calculations in general or solely for the final leg.

I am not even sure if this is a bug...

Comments (3)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    Well we could also name it useability bug or feature request because we always have some default handling in some way.

    As we draw waypoints only in top and sideview, can we give there feedback that with the current implementation the resulting plan can be optimized by adding a way point? Somehow that the user sees, that won't work in that case?

    I think a rather good fix needs an API change and also further tests, thats better done in develop.

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