Remove class instantiation for [HV]S_MSSChemStyle classes

Issue #290 resolved
Andreas Hilboll created an issue

As discussed with @joernu76 , it would be a good idea to remove the instantiation of the plotting style classes from main MSS code and put them into the settings file instead.

I personally like this idea and would like to do this already now (i.e., for 1.7) for the MSSChem styles.

Comments (9)

  1. Reimar Bauer
    • changed milestone to 1.7.0

    sounds like also that we need this explained in docus too.

    Take care on those changes that we don't break demodata "configuration". This is not only needed for tests but also shows an example how to setup a server system.

  2. Joern Ungermann

    No. But a good start for 1.8.0, I would day. Trivial issue, except that one needs to retain the testcases, i.e. instantiate the classes in the corresponding test-settings file.

  3. Reimar Bauer
    • changed milestone to 1.9.0

    As discussed with @joernu76 , it would be a good idea to remove the instantiation of the plotting style classes from main MSS code and put them into the settings file instead.

    I personally like this idea and would like to do this already now (i.e., for 1.7) for the MSSChem styles.

  4. Reimar Bauer

    Removed MSCHEM instantiations.

    The relevant code should be moved to the serve settings python file or a module imported from there.

    Also removed some instantiations from the Generic stuff made principally for CLaMS that wer not soo generic. We need to make this stuff more like a toolbox for plot construction compared to ready-made plots.

    Fix issue #290

    → <<cset 0df492fad474>>

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