display realistic flight altitude on descent/ascent in side view

Issue #299 resolved
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

Currently, the flight track in the side view is displayed by linear interpolating the FL of the way points, which is not realistic.

Typically aircrafts cruise on constant flight level. If the altitude is changed, they immediately go to the new flight level by a given ascent/descent rate. The descent rate may be taken from the performance. For the beginning, it could be set to infinity, resulting in a step-like feature. A desired descent or ascent rate may also be given as input parameter, as some instruments require slow ascent/descent

Comments (11)

  1. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    @Reimar Bauer No that is not yet resolved. Would be a nice feature to have flight legs shown on constant flight levels with instant (or fast ascending) level change at the way points. Only the peak alt is resolved.

  2. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    I had just a discussion with Rolf that for some measuring devices, the ascent speed is very critical. There is no point to calculate it from performace, but it would be likely relatively easy to add a column to the table view that contains average vertical speed between two way points. Pilots seem to want to have this quantity in feet per minute. If we have such a column, one can play around with the ascend by adding more intermediate way points. Is that possible, potentially also by a user-defined routine in the config dir?

  3. Jens-Uwe Grooß reporter

    adding an optional column with average vertical speed would be nice to have for the campaign phase in Nov. 2019. So it would be nice if this part of the request could be added in 1.9

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