geopy dependency

Issue #34 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

The geopy package has mad the conda installation rather difficult and seems to be a rather superfluous dependency.

Calculating the distance can be done to the same accuracy with either pyproj (included in required current basemap or required as separate package in future basemap releases) or with the Haversine or similar formula approximately without any dependency.

Proposal: Replace geopy dependency (geopy.distance) by pyproj dependency (pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84'))

pyproj is available in conda (not conda-forge!)

Comments (5)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    one of the first imports in geopy.geocoders.base is to import SSLError

    unfortunately current releases of ssl are not new enough, there were accidentally removed client methods from the 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 branches of the library.

    This is the same reason why curl is broken using ssl.

    A fix for ssl is in place,

    Anyway big packages which have lots of dependencies and we have poor dependencies on should become replaced.

  2. Reimar Bauer

    The ssl issue may have a different cause. It looks like that the url won't update. So switching to http makes it request for https

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