remove warning for non installed features

Issue #359 resolved
Jens-Uwe Grooß created an issue

Currently in version 1.7.3 there is still the following warning when starting the program:

WARNING:root: NAppy is not available. You will not be able to read NASA Ames files.

Also, the user sees the de-activated menu entries Tools -> Trajectory Tool (Lagranto) Tools -> Time Series View (Trajectories)

This did irritate some users as they thought the program is not properly installed. I propose to deactivate these messages ans menu entries such that none of them are visible to the user. This should be done until these tools (interface to NASA Ames, trajectories) will be implemented.

Comments (5)

  1. Reimar Bauer

    removing the warning makes it a 1.7.4 fix, or just moving it to the log file. Anything other has to be done on 1.8.0

    But de-activate is the correct feature. This options just had to become described better in the documentation.

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