support of vertical cross sections beyond 30km altitude

Issue #379 resolved
Joern Ungermann created an issue

For flight planning for lidars measuring above aircraft, support for altitudes beyond 30km is needed.

Comments (8)

  1. Joern Ungermann reporter

    Practically, the upper altitude is limited to 20hPa by the QT Gui interface. This can be simply relaxed to 1 hPa. Higher altitudes can be allowed, if fractional hPa values would be allowed.

    Second, for labelling the axes beyond 30km, the pressure/gph conversion needs to be implemented and the tick labels need to be set.

    Further, the synamic labelling of the y-axis for pressure is kind of broken and it is practically fixed to 100 hPa steps, which are not thaaat sensible.

  2. Anveshan Lal

    Hello @joernu76, Can I take up this issue? Also can you guide me a little bit on how to approach it?

  3. Joern Ungermann reporter

    Hi @funnelferry, yes please take this up. It can be approached in a couple of rather simple steps.

    The vertical extent of the SideView View is currently limited by a pressure range configurable in the Options dialogue. The lowest upper limit is given by the pressure of 20 hPa. Changing this to 1 would be a first step. The field for entering this needs to be modified in mslib/msui/ui/ui_sideview_options.ui using either the PyQT Designer or a simple text editor. Afterwards the mslib/msui/qt5/ file needs to be generated (see. e.g.

    That is the first step.

    Second, you will notice that the vertical labelling does not continue up to 1 hPa (or whatever vertical axis type has been chosen) but stops early. In mslib/msui/ in the Class MplSideViewCanvas there is a function "redraw_yaxis" responsible for drawing the vertical axis. This needs to be changed accordingly.

    Does this give you a starting point?

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